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Problems during a ca2


Problems during a ca2

Whenever I'm in a call, multiple different windows are opened or sometimes the mic goes into mute or the phone goes into airoplane mode!!

I doubted that my cheek touched the touch screen, but it's not


Hi @TAF4, sorry to hear about this.

Is this something that you have started to experience very recently, for example after updating your device or installing a new application?

When you are not in a call, you do not experience the same behaviour, that applications being opened without you tapping on them, is that correct?

To start with, I recommend that you reboot your device in safe mode so we can if a downloaded application is the cause of this.

You can also try making a few calls using the speaker phone feature or with a headset.

Let me know how it goes!


HI Joans;

Actually this was happening long ago, and it's only while I'm in call...

I didn't understand what you want me to do after starting with the safe mode?



Hi again @TAF4, sorry for the late reply.

While the device is rebooted in safe mode, try and see if you can replicate the behaviour that has occurred during calls for you, so we can see if it still occurs when downloaded applications aren't loaded.

Let me know if there has been any change!