eARC Issues on X900H (XH90)


eARC Issues on X900H (XH90)

Hi all,


Recently installed the latest update on my new Bravia (loving the TV) and enabled eARC (direct to a Yamaha RX-V6A) and now I find that sometimes when I turn the TV on there's no sound output.

I can "fix" the issue (for that session) by swapping the audio output from PCM to Auto 1 and back to PCM again.

Reporting in case others are experiencing this issue.


Sorry -  no joy.

I've pretty much isolated this problem to after having used, or during use of a built in streaming app (eg Netfix,Youtube,Amazon etc), ....if I use the Freeview tuner and /or other devices connected to the TV there's no problems (even an external Roku with the same online apps). I'll try your RS232C control suggestion (in the other thread )  later - and see if that helps.

In the meantime I've opened a ticket with Sony support .......🤔

Seems there's a growing number of users with "XH" Bravias on here with same/similar ARC issues after the last firmware update which mine downloaded 10 mins after installation ....so I wouldn't know if it would have been ok on original fimware?


I think we have the same issue. We have an XH8505 hooked up to a Sonos Beam and we've only had both devices for a couple of months. We are getting sound issues almost on a daily basis now mainly with HDMI 1 which our SkyHD box is connected to, although we also get issues with the Netflix app. Our problems include:


1. After turning the TV & SkyHD box on, we get no sound. Going into Sound Settings and toggling between Auto 1 & Auto 2 seems to resolve it for a short period of time. I've also had it when I have rewound live TV on the Sky box, when we return to live tv, the sound has gone.


2. Sometimes going into Netflix, there is no sound, only clearing the Netflix app cache and  restarting the TV seems to fix it.


I've emailed Sony support who have asked for a factory reset to be done. I will do this, but I'm not confident it will help at all. I've also raised it with Sonos in case they can see anything in the diagnostic data. Out of desperation, I even ordered some new HDMI cables yesterday as ours are really old.


After reading  this thread, I've just flipped our RS232C control off to see if it helps. I've checked and we dont have the TuneIn app installed so cannot uninstall this.


Very frustrating & annoying which is a shame as it's a decent TV.



gillw72- Well at least it's not just me with XH8505 sound problems! ... I feel your pain!


I've tried the RS232C control to off and the Simple IP control is now set to on....... For most of yesterday I thought it had helped but eventually the TV again lost its control over the AVR volume.....and as always, after switching the TV and AVR off.......  on start up ..... no sound.  No DD+ input recognised by the AVR  ..... but the TV is still capable of switching the AVR off....?? 

I've written a long explanatory note off to Sony support after their initial suggestions to do resets etc (which I'd already tried)


kdhuk66 - Hopefully you will hear back from Sony soon.


On Saturday morning, I set RS232C control to off and Simple IP control to on and fingers crossed so far the problem has not reoccured. I'm half expecting it will, but hoping it is fixed for now until Sony fix the root cause.


I'm coming around to the idea that mine is more of a HDMI - CEC issue. The TV just seems lose interest in controlling the AVR after a random period of time ... Very weird.

I've temporarily disconnected all the other devices plugged into other TV's HDMI sockets to see if any of them are interfering in the HDMI - CEC signal set up.

Might be barking up the wrong tree though 🤔🤔


Seems it was the right tree.....

I think I have solved my particular sound problem....after disconnecting my DVR and Roku Express from the TV.... The AVR connection problem disappeared.
Turns out it was the Roku sending a HDMI CEC signal periodically to the TV which meant that the CEC relationship with the AVR faltered after that point.
Buried in the settings of the Roku there is an option to control other devices - to switch an attached TV on and off.
I unticked the option, reattached the HDMI lead to the TV and the TV is still cooperating with the DVR normally.
I suspected this after reading reports of CEC interference in TV's (especially Bravias) from attached devices most commonly DVRs plus other devices that don't actually ever shut down eg Rokus.

The Amazon reviews of the "Lindy HDM CEC-less adapter" on Amazon mention Bravias quite a bit...... 🙄

Are Sony Bravias more likely to suffer with this problem and if so why?
Hopefully some other users may have a similar set up causing their sound issues?




Having solved my  HDMI CEC issue I am now having the same occasional problems as the Original Poster and others in this thread. Having done a factory reset several days ago I've now reset the Simple IP control back to ON and the RS232C control to OFF....... Fingers crossed 🤞


I have a x900H 85’’ I purchased mid October  one thing I’ve noticed is when I lose audio, I also lose internet. The hard wired ethernet connection loses internet and Netflix/Amazon will not load to 100%. - stuck at 30%. What I did to fix the issue was hard code a static IP address/DNS server on the Sony under IP setting and then restarted the tv by holding down the power button on the remote. Once the tv rebooted and came to life, my audio restored. Not sure if Sony will fix that on the next patch. Some how the audio and the ethernet port off the tv are related. 


Many "H" series TV's have received a firmware update this week ...

Anyone out there still reporting audio problems with Soundbars and AV receivers?

I've flicked my Simple IP control back to off (as it was causing my HDD used for recording to spin continuously and not power down on standby).

So far so good, as AV receiver connection has held up OK since firmware update............


Also having this problem along with the problem that “tiizei10” posted as a reply. Using the HT-Z9F with the TV. Really frustrating.