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Time keeps changing on my phone


Time keeps changing on my phone

I've had my xperia for only two weeks. The time zone is set to the correct zone but on the two occasions I've gone to Melbourne (2-3 hours drive south of where I am currently living) the time will jump forwards or back. The world clock even shows the complete wrong time. This morning in Melbourne I set my alarm for 4:30am (early start for work) and the alarm went of at 4:33am despite saying it was 17:33 and continued to keep going off every few minutes (no I did not hit snooze it just kept repearting) until I tuned setting off. I have done all the updates and like I said it seems fine when I'm at home it has only been in Melbourne that I have issues. It appears to jump from pm to am an hour or two ahead or behind of the actual time. Example last night at 20:15 it said 10:15 then jumped to 21:15 then jumped back to am in the space of 10min... 


HI @Puff,

Welcome to the community.

The time is usually taken from your network, so whatever your network tells your phone the time is, it will set it to that.

You can set it as manual time to avoid this, by going to Settings > Date & time, disable the 'Automatic date & time' and the 'Automatic time zone'.


Thanks Cameron I changed the settings Slightly_smiling_Face 


Melbourne, FL, USA? Or Melbourne, VIC, Australia?

No problem @Puff Slightly_smiling_Face Glad to help.