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Media volume is the default audio channel when adjusting the volume


Media volume is the default audio channel when adjusting the volume

The volume bar now takes up the whole screen and it adjusts media by default. One cant adjust the ring tone without accessing the settings menu.

Been grating my teeth with android updates. If this does not get better then its bye bye


Hello everyone!

@Bradlingtown, Hi and I saw that you made a new post about this so I merged it with the other one, just so we can keep all the discussion about this in one place! Slightly_smiling_Face

As @Quester wrote, in Android Pie, the media volume is what will be changed when using the volume buttons, compared to ring/notification tone in previous Android versions. If you want to quickly set the device to vibration mode or no sounds at all, press the volume up or down button and tap the little icon just above the volume bar on the right hand side of the screen.

@RuneJ, I understand that you like the change a lot, since now, you can just press the volume button once now, instead of having to either set the device to do not disturb mode or keep holding the button to enter the vibration mode! Slightly_smiling_Face

I always have my device set to the loudest ring/notification tone volume and I use scheduled do not disturb, for when I'm at work and when I'm sleeping, so I don't get disturbed and the only volume that I adjust is the media volume, so for me it's also a very good change.

@Riyadhe, I'm sorry to hear that you are not happy with this change.

I'll make sure to forward your feedback internally, but do note that I can't promise that this can/will be changed!


After the new update the volume button only allows you to change the media volume,not the ringtone volume without going into the settings.. How can I change this? 



@Riyadhe wrote:

For sure changes aren't always nice. But this new android takes the cake. I make use of three different WiFi networks. I can't change which network i want to use unless I go thru the settings menu. In the older version, open drop box, select he word wifi and then choose which network to use.

The volume key is the worst, I don't have a std volume loudness, depends where I am. This is hard when u in and out of a store and meetings

--Re the WiFi, did you know if you pull down the settings box from the top and "long press" on the wifiI icon it takes you to the WiFi setting page same as pressing on the text on Oreo. 


Hi @Sst2, I have merged the post you made to this thread as this thread has information that explains the change in Android Pie, so please take a look at the post below.


I hope that helps! Slightly_smiling_Face


Before the update you could manually choose which volume you wanted to change, Music/App, Notifications/Ringtone and Alarm, now the default is music and i cant select any of the other 2, i am being forced into settings to change them, dafuq happened?

Kind regards Bruno

@BrunoSuicida wrote:

Before the update you could manually choose which volume you wanted to change, Music/App, Notifications/Ringtone and Alarm, now the default is music and i cant select any of the other 2, i am being forced into settings to change them, dafuq happened?

Kind regards Bruno

As said a few times in this thread now, Android 9 has changed the way the volume control works.


That is the worst change on a phone ever. I've missed a lot of calls and texts because of this. If this is not changed I'm going to an iPhone. 


For media volume is the default audio channel when adjusting the volume write Google, because Google changed it in Android 9. I don't like new way of adjusting the volume, but I am hoping Google will bring back the old way of adjusting the volume.


Hello again everyone!

@Ryan-3385, sorry to hear that you are not happy with the change! Slightly_frowning_Face

For now there is no way to change back to how it was in Android 8.0 and earlier, but I will make sure to forward your feedback regarding this of course!

@tomo100brt, You are correct, this is the standard in Android 9.0 as Google changed how it works. I don't know how strictly manufacturers have to follow this, but as always, I will forward the feedback internally, but I can't promise that this can/will be changed.

Thanks for your feedback!


Clearly, judging by the initial questions, and the responses to your reply, it seems to be a very unpopular decision. I thought you'd change your mind and restore the proper use of what a volume button should do, but a further update this morning left it in its same stupid state.

You shpuld be able to decide which of the volumes the button can change as some sort of setting. 

Restore the proper function, please!