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Issues/Update suggestions


Issues/Update suggestions

Two little things that I noticed:

1. There are two ring tones that are exactly the same in sound but are named differently... these are "Merope" and "Tinkerbell".

2. Secondly, when entering your date of birth details into the Lifelog, it doesn't enable you to type in your date of birth. Instead, it displays a calendar which only enables you to select your year of birth by scrolling back through the months (that could be annoying for someone aged 40+).

Apart from that, I love the new Xperia XZ!

Does your phone has an SD card? if it does, perhaps that ringtone is on it

You can send your suggestion to Sony directly >>> Local support, btw, scrolling through that menu it's quite easy.


Hi @Zinky,

Welcome to the community.

I have just checked this and you are quite right, both Merope and Tinkerbell are the same sound. I had never noticed this before.

We appreciate your feedback on both this and lifelog. Thank you! Slightly_smiling_Face


@uliwooly, As of yet my phone does not have an SD card. Nevertheless, if I did have one, neither of the ring tones would come with it because they are apart of the Android software.

Also, I understand the menu is easy to scroll through, however, it is just a little time consuming and would be quite a lengthy process for someone born in the 1960s, for example.

@CameronT, Thank you for your recognition and response to my suggestions 😊

Hi Sony, just brought the new xz and it's great best phone out of box I've ever used. Been using it a week now and notice that lifelog has annoying faults, each morning after waking up I check the sleep log is right, it was 4/7 days. Then I discovered that it wasn't tracking steps so must force close lifelog and restart phone. That's annoying when your trying to get to work. So I do around 11000 steps or more a day lifelog has only caught this once.

Dear Sony please look into this app it's a bit of a let down but a major part of this phone.