Deel jouw ervaring!
Hi, after updated to android 10 the fingerprint sensor works slower and sometimes I need to hold my finger twice or even more times until the sensor recognizes the fingerprint.
It seems really got better
This settings in battery management don't work for me.
Sometimes still, when screen off, finger isn't recognized...
But thanks for your share.
and when a call rings, the correspondent does not appear ...
Same problem here with my xz2
And also when I have a phone call, I see the number right on my home wallpaper. There used to be a blue background.
I think when the screen is off you should double tap the fingerprint sensor
Same. Work if push twice. In open system work fine. If phone not in sleep work fine too.
Same for me, fingerprint sensor doesnt work as before update to android 10, came to Sony forum for solution...unfortnately no fix for that.
Bro, it doesn't work for me No changes att all
Here's a list of things that dont work properly after update:
-camera is slow
-Phone is slow
-when someone calls, the phone doesnt always ring
-battery is empty within a day, before it was three days.
I have tried everything. Please Sony, fix this quick!
Worked for me