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Double tap to wake not working properly


Double tap to wake not working properly

Set the phone up and everything is great but double tap to wake works 1 out of every 5 times. Definitely something is wrong there.

With the Sony launcher double tap to sleep works fine so I don't think this is a hardware issue.

I tested this with the stock Sony launcher and Nova enabled and both have the same issue.

This isn't my phone obviously, but this is similar to how my phone is behaving:

I tried it with the phone in my hand, and also laying flat on a table.
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Still very unlikely. One out of ten attempts works. With my old Z3 compact I get ten out of ten.

I have forwarded all your feedback on this internally and the latest information i have is that your concerns have been raised to the responsible party within Sony Mobile and we will endeavor to provide a solution.


Thank You Rickard ....Appreciate your help 

If you pass all the suggestions to Sony from members of this forum ...I think Sony will really do well ... Please consider this request ... there no. of issues and suggestions and you are well aware of that as well Slightly_smiling_Face


Happy New Year to All!

I hope 2017 gives the answer for this problem. Its taking too long.


Looking forward to a solution ASAP. Thank you!


Hi All

I have F8331 Xperia XZ on latest build 39.2.A.0.374 (Android 7.0).  I've had two updates since I purchased it in early Dec but since day 1 ... double tap to wake randomly works.

No difference when started up in Safe Mode, no difference with or without screen protector.  I've done all the checks but refuse to run a SW repair as recommended by Sony as its clear with the many posts online that its a SW defect that needs a correction and not a re-install of the SW.

Anyone else have any luck getting answers from Sony on this.  I'll give it one more week and then its onto Consumer Affairs, a refund and Google Pixel.


I agree with that. Its just the same after 2 new updates.its to much with this phone. My z3c was flawless compared with this one.Sony want to be the first to release 7.1 updates before other brands,realy? the last thing on my mind, get the problems fixed before release a other joke update. The xz got released 4months ago and allready got so many complaints. After the 7.1 will be released and camera not get a fix and this wake up problem and many others issues in the post, im going for the xiaomi even got better specs and revieuw.not to mention the camera,grain and blurfree corners 12mp. And only 350$. I dont believe in sony anymore. To bad most Xz owners get screwed this way

Still very unreliable. It is almost never working, even with three or more long or short tabs. What about the promised fix?

Ive discovered that if i wet my fingertip just a little bit then it woks most of the time. Try it and see if that helps.


funny 🙂 So thats the solution that gonna save sony to fix the bug finaly. We just need a wet fingertip and it all be good :-D. Afterwards we need to dry it again if we want unlock fingerprint.