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Double tap to wake not working properly


Double tap to wake not working properly

Set the phone up and everything is great but double tap to wake works 1 out of every 5 times. Definitely something is wrong there.

With the Sony launcher double tap to sleep works fine so I don't think this is a hardware issue.

I tested this with the stock Sony launcher and Nova enabled and both have the same issue.

This isn't my phone obviously, but this is similar to how my phone is behaving:

I tried it with the phone in my hand, and also laying flat on a table.
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I spoke too soon....
My XZ just took 22 taps to wake up. Last night it regularly took 4-6 taps.

Its all about screen hybernating and battery saving. I read tons of things. Lets Just wait for Android N. Anyone knows release date?

No, but there is a rumor that's its going to get nougat this month.

still not working properly. will this get fix soon Angry_Face


@sunking101 is yours still having an issue?

It would be nice if we heard something back from Sony support wouldn't it? For some reason we have only had one reply and that was only to mention how to tap, and we still don't know if hardware or software issue?

Sony support, please respond even if just to let us know if hardware or software or your actively looking into this issue that multiple users are having?

Especially as a few of us have provided logs, and that seems to have been a waste of time?

Are most of you guys having trouble double tap to wake when phone is in hand or when it's lying flat?

Tap to wake when the phone is laid flat is impossible for me. It never works. I have to lift the phone and tap it rapidly approx 10-20 times before it wakes.

At other times it usually takes 3-4 firm taps before the screen wakes but it does regularly go wonky and need 5-7 taps.

it's the same thing on hand or lying down, and it shouldn't make a difference if the feature is working correctly.

Please kindly advice if it's software or hardware related with our logs.

Nothing's gonna help if the only response is telling us how to tap. I'm sure most of us here have already tried tons of different ways to tapping the screen.


Just lift the phone, 2 tap slowly, like when you knock on somebody's door.

Works for me everytime, but these issues will dissappear with 7.0, and most people usually don't understand that you need to make certain preparations with smaller. Updates that can cause issues, it's the same thing with all system updates in general.

Anyway, rant done, 7.0 - no more problems because then Sony only needs to focus on making sure doze is optimized for the OS, and not their own battery saver.

Why does the same software work correctly on your XZ and not mine?