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Android 7.0 Xperia XZ


Android 7.0 Xperia XZ

Rolling out right now.  thanks SonyScreenshot_20161201-075845.png


Is it possible to change the font style after nougat update?

How is multi-tasking? Does it do a better job of keeping apps in memory?

One issue I have is that mobile data keeps going off and then coming back on after a few seconds

Did you perform clean install ? I suggest you repair your phone via XPC ...(( first do a factory reset)) .

Few questions:

1. Are the removed widgets back? (like previous weather widget, Stamina widget, camera widget etc?)
2. Did they add the Radio? XZ has the radio chip on the motherboard
3. What is performance? Does it lags like on previous version?
4. Camera quality. Did it improve? Does it overheats like before? Camera speed of taking pictures one by one is fast as in Galaxy S7 finally or not?
5. Is the "Signature" notification sound back?
6. How about call quality? Is this better? Call reception coverage?
7. Is the option to use previous Xperia keyboard back or still we have this useless and ugly SwiftKey?
8. Batter life, how much better? SOT results?
9. Double tap to wake fixed?
10. Front facing speakers are finaly louder?

Any bugs you found so far?



i will give some opinion.if you get the update notification from mobile. that kind of update don't do it via mobile phone. do it through PC.its better than this.i always say it.but that software size it too bigger than mobile update.if you unable to do all updates through the PC but this king of updates,i mean this is a huge update process. android marshmallow to nougat biggest update. please do this update via PC.that will be help for you to get update without any problem..


These are the noticable changes I have observed with the Nougat update. Some of them not for my liking.

1. Icon Size: The Icon size for Xperia XZ Xperia home, used to have 3 options. Small, Medium & Large. Now they removed the Small option, made Medium size as small and Large is left untouched. My setting used to be Small. Now, I could observe the icon sizes bigger than I was used too.

2. Quick Setting drawer: The Quick setting drawer before gave us option for one touch turning ON and OFF of WIFI as well as Mobile Data. Those two these were my most used settings. Now after the Nougat update however, I need to select the WIFI icon, then toggle between ON and OFF. Same is the case for Mobile Data.

3. Notification panel however is a welcome makeover. Looks pretty slick now. Liked it very much. However if there are many notifications, the grouping is done irrespective of the app and the user has no view of Whatsapp notifications if there are more than a few notifications from different applications.

4. Mobile Data Signal: The Mobile signal bars has a 'X' mark on top of it and for a few minutes I thought there was a problem with my Mobile signal. the 'X' mark was not a needed feature.

5. Camera: They mentioned there were all new changes to the Manual Shutter speed and Manual focus. I do not see any difference. Could any of you guys tell me any difference?


No any fix in the new software very bad, only android system now is nought!!!😡

It feels like a rushed update... But only thing improved till now i feel is the battery life.. Though still needs to test the battery life more

The Nougat features are great though
...split screen best among them all... Phone feels smooth and performing better.