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Sony KD-65X8505B



Can someone on this forum please confirm that the following Sony TV in the subject field (Which I have had for 5 years)..Is pretty much dead in regards to new apps?


I went onto the Apps part today, and when entering "All APPS" it only showed a screens worth nothing more.

It used have lots of apps, scrolling to the right but now....nada (Nothing!!)


And yes I have refreshed my internet connections, and what's really bizarre, are old Apps such as "Cops" or "Golf Digest" are there on my Fav screen, but unreachable, but APPS like BBC News and Prime are...as they exist on the only APP page now. Work Fine


If someone could confirm I would be grateful, then I'll sell this thing and get a Samsung or LG that does support new APPS such as Disney+ which is ideally what I want...  or Has Sony given up updating its old stock?




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