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BBC iPlayer not working - brand new TV!

Hi community! Hope you can help.


Just bought a new Sony Bravia TV - KDL43WD754. Was told it was a 2016 Model - now not so sure!


All internet apps work except BBC iPlayer. App loads, you can see the programmes etc but when you go to play anything, the circle spins for a while then the following message is displayed:



Something went wrong loading this programme. This is usually a temporary problem. You can try this programme again or try a different programme"


Has been doing this for the last week since we got it. No issues with connectivity, have wifi speeds of around 30Mb, all other apps work without issue, TV software completely up to date.


Have been on the BBC website for support which states 'BigScreen' iPlayer is being discontinued as of Sept 2016, but states that this model not affected.


This TV's iPlayer however does say that it is on BigScreen:


BigScreen Version: (Thu Sep 22 2016 12:39:39 GMT+0000 (UTC))

Framework Version: 5.0.4


Any guidance would be appreciated. One of the biggest reasons for getting this TV (over a cheaper bigscreen and, say, an apple TV box) was for the inbuilt apps. Not having iPlayer - meaning no Bake Off for my wife - means it feels like a waste!


Thanks guys!



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