

Hi guys

I just got a brand new CLIE NR70V :smileygrin: ! The cool thing is that when i put it next to my VAIO it's the complete :cool: SonyStyle :cool: - amazing! Going for a hike has now become a fun (as long as it doesnt rain - CLIE's arent waterproof yet! [*-:smileyhappy:] [*-:smileyhappy:] )

Im just wondering if there are any sites to download complete movies/video clips appart from the Ive watched all Coronet, newvenue and dreamspan movies ... (Sorry im just a keen CLIE user :wink: ) Is possible to use the AudioPlayer AND AvantGo at the same time? - How??

Are there plans do develop software so the full screen could be used? For example with AVANTGO, reading the paper but on a full screen. Is there software available to develop and show PowerPoint presentations on the CLIE?

When is the GPS memory stick out (in EU)?? Ive had enough of taking the wrong turn (but not in my lifestyle :wink: )

Public is still not used to see people walking around with PDA's - I only hope they dont think im a nert when they see me in town. (It's bad enough as it is!)

:!: Thanks for developing computer ware that is GREAT looking and GREAT working with :!:



Hi guys

Hi Nest :!:

I just got a brand new CLIE NR70V  :smileygrin: !  The cool thing is that when i put it next to my VAIO it's the complete  :cool:  SonyStyle :cool:   - amazing!  Going for a hike has now become a fun (as long as it doesnt rain - CLIE's arent waterproof yet! [*-:smileyhappy:]  [*-:smileyhappy:] )

Im just wondering if there are any sites to download complete movies/video clips appart from the Ive watched all Coronet, newvenue and dreamspan movies ... (Sorry im just a keen CLIE user :wink: )

Did you already check the kinoma website itself ? some samples are available over there...

 Is possible to use the AudioPlayer AND AvantGo at the same time? - How??

Depending of the type of movie, it could be possible when you check 'Enable background play' in the Audio Player Preferences.

Are there plans do develop software so the full screen could be used?  For example with AVANTGO, reading the paper but on a full screen.  Is there software available to develop and show PowerPoint presentations on the CLIE?  

The Photostand application built-in with the NR70(V) is already able to manage the HiRes+ (320x480).

Since this Clié is released, a lot of third party companies have updated their software for this new screen size.

Check these outside links : (a lot of links available ! Check them out !)

When is the GPS memory stick out (in EU)??  Ive had enough of taking the wrong turn (but not in my lifestyle :wink:  )

No official release has been done for US neither for EU at this time (unfortunately... because I'm also waiting) :cry: :cry: :cry:

Public is still not used to see people walking around with PDA's - I only hope they dont think im a nert when they see me in town. (It's bad enough as it is!)

I'm in the same case : a lot of people are still watching me when I'm on the street with my Clié... but... it's a great 'tool' to meet people and starting talkink with them... :wink: :wink:

 :!: Thanks for developing computer ware that is GREAT looking and GREAT working with :!:   

Tthanks :!: :smileyblush: :smileygrin: :laughing:


Hi Clieguru

Thanx 4 all that usefull info!!! :laughing:

Scanning the net for more great CLIE software i just found out about this one!

It changes a NR70 into a video camera!!! AAARRRRHHH Thiz the max!!!

Well worth sharing with all guru's :wink:



Hi nest-4u

Hope you're still using your Clie. As my life seems to revolve around Memory Sticks at present, I'm considering swapping my Palm Vx for an NRV70V. As you've had yours for a month now, wondered if you had changed your opinion? Most reviewers seem to like it. What's the mp3 quality like? Easy to use? Most important of all, is it worth the money?


Hello Alan

The NR70V is the first pda i have. It is unbelievable handy and really usefull. The camera let you take pictures and mail them direct round the world. OK, i never walk around with camera, never used to take pictures but now the camera is in my aganda ... its a different story. So much nicer to mail a picture! The MP3 player is cool. I used to connect my clie to my car stereo via a digital tape i got. (bought another car recently so no more tape player - bugger). I got a 128 Magic Gate (white) Memory Stick at the same time. the 128MB is never full. I always have about 1 - 2 CD of music loaded on there, lots of pictures and a buzy schedule. The Memory Stick concept is amazing. So easy to use, not to fragile like media card. Stick it in ur laptop to load up files, .... (the computer recognizes the MMS as an extra drive - well easy!) I only have one, still no need to get another one. As you are interested to use the Clie as an MP3 player, make sure you get the white Magic Gate Memory stick!!! (all others will not let you play the Sony ATRAC files!) It is such an ease to use if you are using Sony's sonic stage program to make ur mp3's. All this is due to copy rights again.

The NR70V is the biggest pda but far out the best one to use. You can even watch on a FULL SCREEN all movie trailors done by Sony Pictures. The web has more and more software to offer for full screen applications. Ive recentlyloaded this software that i can use my clie as a Camcorder!!

The body, as i just put it in my pocket without any protective case, it is still in very good condition. I had it on the beach one day, it was full of sand but it didnt let me down. The screen you can turn over, and the keyboard are very useful as well. I prefer the keyboard when travelling.

Okay it is not cheap but well worth the money (my opinion!) I bought my clie for private use - but now using it for work and private. The multimedia/entertainment features on this clie are making so much difference. According to me, Sony got it right - Life includes entertainment!

I can go on about it (dont think im selling them as a profession here!! Not available in high street stores over here - got it over the net!) Gonna leave it here.

For more info, you know where to find me!!

Let me know when you have yours!!

Have a good one!



Hi Nest

Thanks for the review! If I wasn't already convinced, I am now :laughing:

I'll let you know how I get on.

Thanks again


This is my first post to Sony Vaio / Clie , Sony Vaio actually, and I'm after some advice relating to both components. My new NR70V can of course be used with Memory Stick but my PCG FX205 doesn't have a Memory Stick slot. Do Sony or another, third party, manufacturer produce an adapter for the Memory stick to be used between both components. Wish I'd had the foresight 12 months ago to buy a Vaio model with the slot !

Nev Ball



I'm pretty sure that you can buy several USB Memory Stick adapters - I believe there's even a mouse with a Memory Stick slot. Worth a look at the Sony site or Amazon under computer peripherals. Let me know how you get on.


Update: Sony have a USB mouse with a Memory Stick slot. It's the Sony MSAC-US5. Available now at


Try your local computer retailer or online computer retailer for USB memory stci adaptors.

Even ebay has them on - costs between £10 & £25 depending where you go.
Or of course, there's the Memory Stick mouse