sony bravia 42"

How can Sony make a tv that only lasts 3 months past the 1 year warranty ?

   I'm not a regular watcher, with my tv off more nights than its on, yet the picture just went the other night. I lokked it up and its apparently some board that costs more than a new tv. 

       Are there other people out there who have experienced the same thing because most who had the same problem had tv.s 2 or 3 years old ??

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Hi there


I guess it takes some skill to purposely enable something to fail after the warrantee has expired.  On a serious note though, i guess you are just unlucky.  May i ask what model tv you have that failed?


Have a look at the Sales of Goods Act.  Your first port of call would be the retailer you purchased it from.



Thanks for the advice Quinnicus , i will follow it up but very doubtful as all they do is throw extended warranty at you. It is actually a model KDL40W605B. Shows how much i know about my own tv :slight_smile: Fingers crossed
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Let us know how you get on anyway.  Fingers crossed.