Netflix Support Discussion Thread


Netflix Support Discussion Thread


Just thought I would offer a bit of clarity around the Netflix discussion threads that keep popping up.

  • Is Netflix coming to Sony devices?

Hopefully, no date confirmed as yet, but as you'd expect, we'd like to launch it on Sony Entertainment Network/BRAVIA Internet Video as soon as we can.

  • Which devices will it be compatible with and will it be backported?

Not clear yet. We look to backport all services to as many devices as possible, but its not always technical possible to do. Whilst it is available on US devices at present, its not yet clear if Netflix would want to re-use the old interface or launch with a new interface, which makes things much harder to backport.

Feel free to ask any questions and I'll do my best to answer below - mindful there are areas I cannot discuss with NDA's in place etc..


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Message was edited by: Catmambo

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As it says in this thread, Netflix will not be available on any 2011, or previous model, Sony TV, due to technical reasons. The new 2012 models, due pretty much now, will have it.

Okay, no Netflix then. I hope that the chief engineer at Sony is now looking for a new job.

So will Sony offer a trade in plan for people willing to get rid of their newly acquired 2011 tv sets which now are obsolete?

As we can see on this thread, there are still a lot of loyal Sony customers who could benefit from such plan instead of buying LG next time they shop for a TV.

I think it's an elegant way for Sony to try and mitigate the damage.


On the Sony press release dated 10th January, it listed its new products which included Blu-ray Disc™ player BDP-S390.  I decided to buy this model as with the latest technology including built-in Wi-Fi, I expected it to be future-proof until atleast Sony launch its 2013 range.

When Sony launch its CRACKLE service earlier this month, it was automatically added to the BIV home page on my Blu-ray player. The Sony press release for Netflix dated 24th April stated

The Netflix app will be available on all 2012 BRAVIA, Blu-ray and Blu-ray Home Theatre models which feature Sony Entertainment Network.

As the January press release implies that the Blu-ray Disc™ player BDP-S390 is 2012 stock and has access to Sony Entertainment Network (ticks both boxes), I assumed that it would be Netflix compatible. But the Netflix app has not been added to my Blu-ray BIV player. So I am shocked/surprised that the Blu-ray player only launched 4 months ago and only been in the shops a few weeks, is now considered old stock? :slight_frown:

ps: Catmambo has posted that it is down to the new type of DRM. I am not technically-minded so don't know what DRM is. In layman terms, what is it and why was it not included in the specifications of  the Blu-ray Disc™ player BDP-S390?

The 2012 refers to the year that the device was initially released / produced, not the year it was bought. The 2012 models are literally just being / about to be released.

DRM stands for Digital Rights Management and is basically security that companies put on digital files, such as a video, to stop people copying them. There are different kinds of DRM that companies use which are compatible with many devices. For their launch in the UK, Netflix appear to have decided to use a new DRM for their files. I don't know the full technical details of how it works, but I assume it must involve some kind of additional processing by the devices to show the file and they are not currently up to it, but the new 2012 devices will be.

Sony would only have known about the new DRM when Netflix launched at the beginning of this year. So, in a large part it is Netflix's fault for using a new DRM instead of an existing one.

Good explanation from Drhowells - just to reassure you, Netflix will be on the BDP-S390 and all the new step up models ( 490, 590 etc). The service will hopefully be pushed out next week for Blu-ray players, for some reason, it was held back for a week or so compared to TVs.

Generally Sony release new TV/Blu-ray players from February through to May and then a few 2nd half refresh models later in the year. However some retailers still have 2011 devices in stock which they are discounting to clear to make way for new products, so just beause you purchase a device in 2012, doesn't mean that its necessarily a new 2012 product if that makes sense..


Thank you for the replies from drhowells and Catmambo. I did another "Update List" (press the OPTIONS key on the remote) and Netflix has been added to the BDP-S390 Blu-ray player! :slight_smile: I had considered that the Press Release was premature with the launch date. But decided to post the question to get confirmation.

To avoid further unnecessary negative feedback, does Sony have somewhere to give updates?

  1. Could Catmambo have a sticky thread where he could post information like the post above. And if possible, lock it so he can only add to the thread to keep it on topic.
  2. Does Sony have a twitter account for updated information or setup one for it. The only Sony twitter account I could find that is relevant to UK is It makes no mention of Netflix launching on BIV so not involved in this part of Sony.

Just to clarify what I said, when I said "Device" in my previous post, looks like I should have said TV. No 2011 or previous model TV will get Netflix. I didn't know that other devices would.

Disappointing there be no Netflix for my NX723, £1300 smart TV isn't so smart! I don't understand when companies get so engrossed in DRM, a lot of people don't even know how to make full use of their tech.

this is not stricktly true sony new on or before the 25 th of may 2010 that netflix were going with the play ready drm but still made 2011 products thet would not be compatable so it has to be 50/50 on the blame it looks like it was a my company is bigger than yours competition that the customers lost

Is it not that Netflex may be missing out on custom by not making it avalable to pre 2012 players, as I see  all 2011 players have "Love Film" surly most most of the new films that Netflex have are also avaliable via Love film which we can view so I am not going to go out and pay a £100 just so Netflix can have my custom. I can view most on love film and any I cant I just go and buy the blu-ray disk.