Very disappointing Customer Service


Very disappointing Customer Service

I've always been a loyal customer from Sony, but this time Sony has really let me down:


I bought a Xperia Z3 Tablet - 380€!!! - at Sony Online Store almost six weeks ago (UPDATED)  and still I haven't received it. The delivery should have been done in two days. It seems the carrier (TNT) has lost it. And despite the fact that the carrier already contacted me and formally assume total responsibility, I still haven't received what I paid for... Not even an explanation from Sony. When I contact Sony, they just say the matter is under investigation. This is unbelievable: a customer hasn't received what it paid for...; shouldn't the priority be resolving that?!

I'm being penalized for a logistics problem I've nothing to do with. I paid for a product and for a service. And so far, I received neither.

I don't have my money nor my product... Not even an explanation from Sony. This is unacceptable. Sony is a great brand but I can't help thinking that it really doesn't care much about customer satisfaction. What a disappointment...


Accepted Solutions

Problem solved! I've just received the product. Finally...


I hope Sony learns from my experience and improves itself so that other customers won't go through the same.




View solution in original post


Hi there,


Sorry to hear your news, how frustrating!!


I couldn't help notice you mention that the carrier has assumed total responsibility for this loss, shouldn't you be contacting them to resolve this issue for you? They have insurance for such an event and if they have admitted losing your parcel it is their responsibility to sort it out, not Sony's.


I take it that when the carrier notified you of their error your were given some form of reference number or details of where to make a claim against them? If not then your first option would be to chase them up and preferably put everything in writing to their head office. Make sure you also send your letter by recorded delivery!

The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14



Thanks for your suggestion.


Unfortunately the carrier (TNT) representative already told me that since their client is Sony (which has arranged and paid for the transport), the insurance compensation will benefit Sony, not me.


This may or may not be true, but it's the only explanation I've got so far. At least TNT cared to give me an explanation after my request.  From the people at Sony Online Store, I heard absolutely nothing: not an advice, not an explanation, not an apology and most importantly not an assurance that I will get what I paid for almost three weeks ago.


Usualy I will only buy something online if I trust the merchant. How can I trust Sony Online Store after this experience?

Hi streunte,

welcome to the Sony User Community Forum..:smileyhappy:


This has been escalated to hopefully someone who I hope will be able to assist you with your problem, if we receive any feedback then we will update this thread..

Hi Steunte,


I appreciate that this experience has probably dented your faith in Sony and understandably so. We can only hope as Thalamus has mentioned that your complaint will be escalated and dealt with more efficiently than your original order. This is Sony's one chance to put things right for you.


I disagree that you as the customer should be made to suffer for an issue between Sony and TNT, regardless of blame Sony have failed to fulfill your delivery and it is Sony who should put things right. Whatever argument that Sony and TNT have with one another can be pursued at their own leisure, NOT YOURS!!


I wish you all the best anyway and hopefully this matter will now be resolved more quickly.

The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14

Hi Thalamus,


Thank you.


Hi MK_Slinky


Thank your for your support.



@streunte wrote:

Hi Thalamus,


Thank you.

You're welcome, please keep us updated..:smileyhappy:


Well, sadly my disappointment continues to be justified...


Fast approaching one month since I ordered my Tablet from Sony Online Store and still I haven't received it... So far the best I got from Customer Support was an email confirming it's a case of missing delivery and that they're looking in to it (I got this email just after my initial posts here, so I guess I should thank Thalamus for that...).
I obviously understand that logistics problems can occur. But a one month delay (so far, that is) in delivering a product already paid for is incomprehensible for me. It makes me feel undervalued as customer. And that's something I never  expect from a company like Sony.
Could this purchase at Sony Online Store be any more frustrating? I will have to say yes, yes it can. At the very least, it will depend on how much longer will I have to wait for what I've already paid for, so long ago.

Let's see if we can get an update for you..:smileysad: