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Why am I unable to spend my flying blue points on any Sony products?
The site takes you to a page where there is no UK option ->
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Hi tali_abdn,
welcome to Questions & Answers..:smileyhappy:
Best I can suggest is that you contact the sony flying blue organiser & ask them why..:smileyconfused:
Here is a link to their - Contact Us
If you receive a reply could you please post again because it may help others..:smileywink:
Hi tali_abdn,
welcome to Questions & Answers..:smileyhappy:
Best I can suggest is that you contact the sony flying blue organiser & ask them why..:smileyconfused:
Here is a link to their - Contact Us
If you receive a reply could you please post again because it may help others..:smileywink:
This is the info I got from our marketing team 😉
KLM is responsible for The “Sony – Flying Blue” programme and they have chosen in which countries it’s rolled out. You can ask all your related questions at the following website:
Kindest regards,
Nico, thanks for the info however when I click on your link I just get the front page asking me to select a country (no UK option). There are no other support type links on this page which is what I wanted to raise the question.
tali_abdn wrote:
There are no other support type links on this page which is what I wanted to raise the question.
The link that I posted above should allow you to contact the KLM/Sony team..:smileyconfused:
Have you visited the site before or maybe live in a country that it supports?
When I click on your link I only get the main page with a list of countries to select. No UK. Do u get something different?
Regardless, I went in via the Sweden link and got the email address via the FAQ.
Have you visited the site before or maybe live in a country that it supports?
Yes I had visited the site & I'm UK based..
What I did was simply click on Bulgaria, followed by FAQ's in the top right..
Once the FAQ's page had loaded I scrolled to the bottom to find the 'Contact Us' link..
However not to worry as you seem to have found a way to contact the KLM team now..:smileyhappy: