Deel jouw ervaring!
Hi Guys,
Hope you are well. I am a new member of this community. Just want to ask that which web browser is good to use and also if I want my laptop and softwares to be updated can I register any where to get informations about all the latest technologies and updates. Your help and support will be much appreciated.
Opgelost! Ga naar oplossing.
Welcome Muhammad,
Browser choice is usually down to personal choice, I mostly use Firefox but occasionally use Chrome & if I have to I use Internet Explorer.
You do not say what laptop you have but if it is a Sony VAIO then you can usually check for updates, etc. on your VAIO models support site or by using VAIO update program.
Microsoft updates are available via Windows Update and can download and install but this depends on your settings. You can check the settings of Windows Update by opening Control Panel > Windows Update > Change Settings.
If it is the latest Sony technologies you want information on then I guess the simplest option would be to follow the Sony Blog on this forum but it does tend to appear marketing driven.
If it's technology in general you wish to get information on then it is probably best to search the various technology sites scattered around the internet and select one that you like and then simply sign up to there mailing list if they have one or even follow there twitter feed.
Hope this helps?
Welcome Muhammad,
Browser choice is usually down to personal choice, I mostly use Firefox but occasionally use Chrome & if I have to I use Internet Explorer.
You do not say what laptop you have but if it is a Sony VAIO then you can usually check for updates, etc. on your VAIO models support site or by using VAIO update program.
Microsoft updates are available via Windows Update and can download and install but this depends on your settings. You can check the settings of Windows Update by opening Control Panel > Windows Update > Change Settings.
If it is the latest Sony technologies you want information on then I guess the simplest option would be to follow the Sony Blog on this forum but it does tend to appear marketing driven.
If it's technology in general you wish to get information on then it is probably best to search the various technology sites scattered around the internet and select one that you like and then simply sign up to there mailing list if they have one or even follow there twitter feed.
Hope this helps?