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Problem with ITV Hub (ITV 1 channel) and 7 day TV scrollback


Problem with ITV Hub (ITV 1 channel) and 7 day TV scrollback

Can not scroll back 7 days anymore and ITV 1 Hub keeps asking for postcode even though it has been entered. Are they both connected ? Had a 24 hour power cut at the weekend, not sure if relevant. On scroll back says no information, will scroll back for the current day but not previous days. Says software is upto date - TV is latest Sony 49" . Was working fine on scroll back (never previously watched ITV Hub).

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If that is the case I think Sony need to be much clearer in their sales info, and state that this TV needs to have an aerial connected if they wish to access services like itv hub through their internet connection.

I have reviewed the available information from Sony that is available at point of sale and there is nothing that I can see that indicates an aerial connection is necessary.

Problem is I guess Sony would have lost a lot of sales from people like me if they would have stated this requirement.

HannahEd01 ,  I disagree, it is a workaround. Both Sony and Youview have said it should be possible to access itv hub and all 4 catch-up services without having an aerial attached, and the fact that you can't suggests something is not right. So is it not just a case of finding the will to fix it?


Saying " I don't see anything anywhere saying that should be otherwise. " doesn't mean a thing. It is just as likely that this "feature" was forgotten or ignored because there is/was a workariound or simply not mentioned  to avoid highlighting a limitation.  I have been involved in software development and release for many years and I know any is possible.

My own TV (KD-65A85) does support Freesat/Satellite to receive TV signals so why should the TV or ITVHub app not support a postcode, rather than rely on an actual digital aerial tune. While there might be technical reasons why this is not possible (but that is not described anywhere I can see and it doesn't seem to be a problem with other smart TV's). The ITVHub app is quite happy to prompt the user for a postcode, so why should that not work?


Does a location via GPS (or rather Wifi) really need to be accurate for determining regional TV, as you suggest?  I'm no expert but 9 times out of 10 when a web app gets my location from my broadband connection, it identifies my actual location quite closely. And the fact that the postcode search in the ITVHub app is quite happy with just the first 2 entered letters (eg OX)  suggests location should not be critical.

Because it does not accept your post code I had to retune all digital
channels after a software upgrade worked perfectly before that and also
sometimes I loose the voice so I have to reboot the tv for it to work only
cost £1900

If the issue is ITV Player needing GPS or Wi Fi location why does it bother asking for a Postcode? This would clearly be an unnecessary step, fully redundant, and should be removed. Just go with the GPS or Wi Fi check.


Further to this why is it I can get ITV Player fully functional through other devices (e.g. Amazon Fire TV stick) without needing an aerial?


It's 2021, if Sony are going to restrict smart features like ITV Player behind the need for an aerial they need to be upfront about that fact, a clear notice on the box / in the spec: "MAY REQUIRE USE OF AN AERIAL FOR SMART TV FEATURES".

Had exactly same issue with sound that seems ok now, another issue now is when I switch between LIVE TV & catch-up formally you view and normal digital only about a quarter of screen on right can be seen !

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Hey riwicks42, which model do you have? Have you tried the basics? a power cycle, software update, Factory reset, etc?

What was the solution I have this issue too.

Tune in all the channels again go into settings under tv and tune in the
channels automatically choosy digital program

Same here we have KD55AG9 and can’t access ITV1 on ITV hub there is no YVServiceHostAPK in the settings menu - loath to factory reset takes so long to set up.

No go into settings under TV set up choose channel set up retune all
channels it gives you a choice automatic or manual set up choose automatic
press digital set up it will retune all the channels again and itv hub will
work you must put in your area London or it will goo you a choice of areas