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KD-55XF7073 screen flicker

KD-55XF7073 screen flicker

My TV does this irritating thing of giving a slight, horizontal flicker ever now and then, just a frame or two in duration and an inch or so in width, barely noticeable until you start to notice it all the time. It happens on all the inputs I use - live TV, DVD, Blu-ray, Amazon Prime and Netflix - but seems to happen more on Prime. Sony acknowledged it was a set fault and replaced the motherboard, then the whole set, but it still happens. I've tried turning off all other inputs in case it's interference, using a surge protector, and turning off the TV signal booster when I'm not using it, none of which helps. It's so small that I feel like I'm mad when I'm trying to show it to someone because all they can see is a perfect picture, but it can become irritating. We live near a railway line but it's across the road so hopefully far enough away that the power cables wouldn't give off interference. Anyone else come across this or got any thoughts or suggestions?

Hi Dennis,


Phew, that's something hard to find.

It could be a motor or other device that, for example, produces interference signals and radiates them into the antenna signal. It would be important to find a connection between the occurrence of the interference and the faulty device.


Maybe a good idea would be to turn off all other devices in your house/apartment to find the cause.


