Freeview rescan issue

Freeview rescan issue

TV is KD49XE9005. Did a rescan this morning because of the Freeview changes. The set went through the channels add added a number of services, but then took me to a page where it asked me to select a region. I did so, clicked 'Done' and it went back to the screen for starting a scan. On checking I found that the channels were still the old ones. I went through the process again, with the same result. So I put the set into standby then switched it off at the mains. After a short pause I switched the mains on again and booted the set up. Now the new channels were correct - so there isn't now a problem: but it's not supposed to happen like that!

Not applicable

Hi there


Glad its resolved, but I cannot give any explanation for why that occured.  Can only assume that the channels where held in the TVs cache but not stored until just before you rebooted the TV. 

