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Big problem with my MicroUsb


Big problem with my MicroUsb


First of all, i apologize for my english, i'm french and i'm not fluent !

I am writing to you cause I met a big problem week ago with my Xperia ZX.

After 2 hours of charging in the middle of the night, I unplug my phone and spend the day quietly. In the evening, I decided to connect my phone because it had only 17% left. But..... at this time my charger did not want to connect to my phone or not correctly. The phone only charges very slowly (around 20% per hour) and only at certain very precise angles

I want to say that no shock has been received on my phone since its purchase. My phone has a rubber protection that prevents damage from falling anyway... No abrupt movement was made during disconnection too. 

I am afraid to send my phone for repair and that Sony asks me to pay more than 100 € by saying that the problem is my fault and that this is not taken into account in the guarantee...

Help me ! 


Hi @Rated95,

Welcome to the community. I am sorry to hear about your problem. Slightly_frowning_Face

Based on the fact that the phone will only charge at precise angles it seems like the charging pin may be bent. With the information you have provided I recommend you arrange a repair with your local support team.