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OOPS! power icon in the system tray has gone!


OOPS! power icon in the system tray has gone!

Hello there!

I don't know what happened exactly but before the last reboot (caused by some Vista update, for windows defender exactly, -which I don't use anyway-) there was sitting in my system tray a lovely Vaio update icon (which I managed to make it work at last!), as well as a useful POWER ICON. Weird though, both of them have now vanished in the great nothingness letting me wondering why would icons like these leave like savage objects without saying a single goodbye!? While it's not even possible to recover the power icon in the taskbar properties, I tried some registry hacks within our :smileyliar: "without-any-doubt-simple-and-predictable" :smileyliar: favorite OS known as Vista :smileyliar: , with so much results that it has led me here. Any idea? :thinking:

Thanks in advance for any help possible! :wink:



1. Run “regedit” (Registry Editor)
2. Find “iconstreams”
3. Delete all registry keys with names “IconStreams” and “PastIconStreams” until “iconstreams” can no longer be found in the registry
4. Restart Windows Vista
5. Enable the missing icon using the usual method

I had this problem, and logging of and then logging back on again sorted it out. However the above steps also worked fine, if you are happy in the registry.