KDL-46W905A Home button not responding.


KDL-46W905A Home button not responding.

To whoever is reading...


Went to watch a video on YouTube at the weekend and realised the Home button no longer brings up the Home menu, on either remote, but the TV clearly shows the remotes are working as the led flashes to indicate activity. The option button also doesn't bring up the options menu, but again registers the button being pressed and a factory reset doesn't resolve the issue. I can get to the Home menu by pressing SEN, then Home.


Essentialy all I'd like to know is...


1. Am I the only KDL-46W905A user with this issue? &

2. When (roughly) a new firmware update can be expected that will probably resolve this issue now it's been highlighted?


The result of the Phone call is that an engineer is to be sent out and no doubt they will probably just confirm what I've already said, it's firmware related. I was without my last Bravia for a few month after contacting support so unless this TV also melts I would prefer to wait for a FW update (which should now be getting looked in to) than send it off.


I have the same problem, Home, Options and Guide button not displaying anything on the screen. Stnc Menu button also doesn't display anything on the screen. Cannot access Netflix. All worked fine last night. I am not with Sky but Virgin Media. At least the Tivo is still working. What can i do?


@kevlaa wrote:

Thanks for replying Phil. 


I did that but it didn't work. 


As as I only got the TV yesterday I'm still understanding all the tech. I have resolved it now, what the issue was for me was selecting the home or options button nothing happened. I've found the issue was to do with sync remotes. 


What at I did was:


Settings > External Inputs

BRAVIA sync settings


When I disabled this low and behold the home and options button started working again. 


I noticed that when I was selecting Home, the Blu Ray player was coming on, so because of my meddling earlier I've somehow chosen the home button to turn that on through Bravia sync. 


All fixed again gain now, will keep using separate remotes until I know the system better. 


Thanks again


Worked for me! TV had auto-synced to the connected hdmi devices (sky box and Android box) so sync off and it all behaves as it should, thanks Kevin :slight_smile:


I also have this problem.  The only way that I can access the apps menu is through the DISCOVER button. I have no devices attached other than a Sony DVD Player which is currently not active.  I am not using SYNC.

any solutions please.

I am not sure why Sony are not addressing this because there are plenty of like examples out there.


I don’t have Sky or anything else attached but still have the same problem.

Not applicable

I think they're not addressing it due to the age of the TV mate! Even the thread started in 2014. I'd say you're due for an upgrade anyway. 


Not sure what your expectations are but I bought the TV in 2017 and I expect more than 6 years service out of what is sold as a "quality" product.  Why can't I just be allowed to roll back the offending update!

Not applicable

Because there's no device is the history of the technology where you can remove or unroll and update for it once you've already updated it. Also, the model in the thread is a KDL-46W905A which is a 2013, so if it's the same one you have, not sure how you bought it in 2017. 
And if you have a different one, let us know the model, maybe there's something else we can do to help, cheers.


My Model is KDL 43W807C


Hi @robking94   The C tells us it is a 2015 model, so 8 year old technology. E=2017.

Not applicable

Well, there's a specific known fault for that model actually that's affecting the home button, you can check it here, that should resolve it.