
PS4 competition



Hello, I entered the PS4 competition, actually won (shock!!).... So I sent off my stuff and I have not heard anything.


I have tried to use the "contact us" form but it keeps crashing out no matter which computer/browser I am using... 

Does anyone have an email address to contact them?


Thanking you in advance xx

286 REPLIES 286

I got mine tonight finally

Good luck to everyone else


Sent from my iPhone

[Edit: Removed private details - name/phone no]


Well another 3 weeks since I got the email asking to confirm my delivery address and it's still not here so doesn't look like it will be arriving by Christmas now...if at all

I really have never known such a complete shambles.

Hold on in there. We won ours in June and it took 6 maths but we got it. The lads have not bothered with it though. I think Sony or whoever need to look at their status. My boys are from an xbox generation, me a sony one. Feel they are not doing their credibility any favours. Also feel that perhaps an apology or congrats would have helped not just a box with a ps4 in experience. based on my experience I think you will get it but it's almost like if you complain you go to the back of the line. Good luck

Thought I would re-visit the issue of the brick lying un-used in our loft with a search for this subject. Bought Sony Bravia TV back in April, entered the competition, won a PS4, fantastic. Never won anything before and we were over the moon. Received it in June and then.....


Since then it has sat like a brick in it's box, dead. It has never worked, not once, a victim of the blue light of death, simply won't turn on.


Sony Playstation support have been nothing but obstructive and sometimes plain rude in their attitude, They state I must send it in for repair, and if they cannot repair it they will only send out a re-conditioned second-hand unit. I have been arguing this is poor service and they should simply replace it with a new unit, but no. If I had bought it from a retail store this is exactly what they would have done, but because it is a prize in a Sony promotion, then no. This has done nothing but convince me never to buy anthing Sony again.


Has anyone else had a similar experience? I have read a few forums that these PS4's are part of a batch which they needed rid of due to manufacturing issues. I would really appreciate any information from people in a similar situation.


You buy a brand because of it's reputation, and then so easily that customer confidence can be lost due to poor follow up service. Not good enough. My wife and I have said many times, what if we had actually bought this as a present for our child for a birthday or Christmas day, and it wouldn't work.


Haha. You should check out Sony's total inability to recover from a DDoS
attack, ruining countless people's Christmases. Sony are a total joke.

....and Microsoft / xbox are too?

I'm sure some would say the people doing it are the joke.


Merry Christmas ViperGRM :slight_smile:


Recieved my PS4 on Christmas Eve morning, appreciate all the efforts involved from these forums, Facebook & Twitter staff. It's more than appreciated but it's still not acceptable to let this promotion drag on from May to December, it's a hell of a long time.

I really hope everyone gets their PS4s who entered the competition, fight for it!. xx