
Playmemories query.

Hi...when I import images I get the choice to import "New files"......when I do this ..seems that it's importing all the pics on the camera...not just the ones uploaded since last upload??? I would prefer that it just uploaded "New" pics.. thanks


Hi iprior,


Are you talking about uploading images to a computer ? If using the import screen in Playmemories it is possible to select which media you want to upload, it can also be broken down to just video files, picture files or all files. Here you can also decide where you would like to store the files, in what order and name the folder.

I am not sure about uploading new files only and why yours are all uploading each and every time you select this but I would have thought that during the upload the PC would ask if you want to overwrite or keep the file that you are importing as that file would already exist ?

If this is an unworkable issue then you could select the files that you wish to upload.


Hope this helps.  

If it ain't broke don't fix it

Thanks....when I want to upload new pics onto pc2 options..1 “Import new files”

2 “Select files to import”

Ideally , I want to import only the pics taken since last import.......option 1 seems best...but when I try that....seems like the camera is passing all ( 100’s)..of pics for import. Option 2....seems to import entire content of camera also...then allows me to pick the latest pics.....but sometimes I accidentally import pics I have already imported!!

Okay, I think I see.


When you select option 2 it will provide an image of your files (all of them) to import onto the PC, then just select each picture that you want by clicking with the mouse which will check the picture with a tick.Then select import to the destination that you have chosen. It has not actually imported the file until you check and click import. There is also an option of "select all" which you may need to uncheck first as it may default to on - key is to look for the ticks in the top right hand corner of the files which you want to import.

If it ain't broke don't fix it

Hi :slight_smile:


When you connect your device and click import media files do you get this screen?




There you have the choice of importing new files only or choosing which files you want to import.


I'm using Playmemories version

Hi...that is my point...when I select “New files” seems that the cameras full content is being transferred. I am concerned that it may import all the files.

Unfortunately I don't have a device with old files on it I have already selected / transferred to the computer so I can't test whether it will transfer them all or not for you.

@Jonnie1266's advice is spot on regarding selection of files etc.though and is probably the best option if you don't wan't to just click the button and take a gamble. 

Hope you don't have to sift through hundreds of shots  :anguished: