

Dear service team,

since i've talked for about six hours to your various call centers in  germany over the last few days, I feel the need to write something here.
I bought an 40EX725 3D TV late last year and i was hoping to get a  television set that allows me to watch 3D-Blu-Rays. Unfortunately it was  - and still is - very difficult to buy the appropriate 3D-glasses due  to shipment shortages. So I couldn't try  the 3D function of my new TV until last week. I was shocked. "Clear,  smooth 3D and 2D picture quality" says your homepage. What I saw was far  from clear. Even your employees at the technical support hotline  admitted that this isn't correct and that these TVs can not display 3D  images without showing double images. In fact this TV wasn't even able  to display the OSD correctly in 3D mode. So your statement on your  homepage is simply a lie and i feel betrayed.

Now, after  several hours on the phone and a lot of discussion, I get the feeling,  that Sony tries to postpone a solution. All I want, is my money back  because I don't want to invest round about 1000 € in a TV set, that  isn't able to do, what you promised.

Most disappointing is the  fact, that I trusted the brand Sony and even invested more money just to  get one of your products. Now I have to revise my opinion. Other brands  are able to ship TVs at lower prices wich keep their promises  concerning 3D.

I know that this is the international Facebook  Page for Sony and that I am writing to the wrong persons. But since Sony  Germany has no comment function allowed on their Facebook Page I just  leave my message here.

a former customer.

Sorry to hear that bud. I do hope that things will work out pretty well for you. I guess they just have issues with the shipment but just be patient, it should come soon.