Our monthly Sony World Photography Awards competition is over for August, and we’re delighted to announce the lucky winners!
Congratulations to all of the below, who each win a 12-month subscription to the World Photography Organisation.
Speed of light by Safran_Haworth
Taking the turn by ndavies33
World Club Sevens Rugby by ju90ju90
Hurling by M.Goman
Speed by zeozwolf
Action by kiiiiki
And Action by photosonic
And an extra special congratulations to our big winner for this month, Allescio! His photo below, CX - Zdenek Sybar, has earned her a terrific Sony α6000 camera.

Don’t worry if you entered but didn’t win, because there’s always a chance to win next month! Keep an eye out on the blog where we’ll be announcing the competition for September very soon indeed.