Deel jouw ervaring!
My XR55 A80J updated itself last night, and now no longer responds to certain buttons. Specifically, pressing the Settings button or the Audio button now does nothing, which means I can’t change the sound output, the picture mode etc whilst playing something.
This makes the TV so difficult to use for my needs that I’m going to have to return it if there is no fix.
Has anyone else found the same problem?
There is no point contacting Sony support; I’m still waiting to hear back about another query after a couple of months but they simply don’t bother.
Just discovered it no longer responds to the source/input button either.
The light on the TV flashes to indicate it receives the signal from the remote control, but doesn’t actually do anything.
It doesn’t respond to the TV button either. And going to the inputs in settings won’t select any inputs, so I can no longer watch TV because I use a FreeSat box that I can’t select as anymore. Nor can I select the Apple TV box.
It also won’t run the channel 5 app, but that’s the least of the problems.
I now have an expensive paperweight in the lounge!
Have you tried a soft reboot or if necessary a full factory reset.
I have tried a reboot, but not yet a full factory reset. I will make a note of all the settings I will lose and then try it.
Don't know how you are going to do a factory reset when your TV will not respond to any input from the remote control.
I had a similar situation two years ago with a one year old Sony TV.
Installing a firmware update seemed to go OK but after an hour or so the TV stopped responding to any input from the remote control or the buttons on the TV itself.
Powering down and restarting did nothing to improve the situation. The TV would come on there would be sound and vision but the screen was populated with info panels that should disappear after 5 seconds but wouldn't. Couldn't change channel, or anything with the remote or the TVs own buttons.
As the TV was under warranty (John Lewis) I arranged for it to be picked up. The repair person said it was most probably a mainboard failure, common problem with Sony he said. The TV went away for about three days,
the mainboard replaced and the TV has functioned faultlessly ever since, two further firmware updates have been installed manually without any further issues.
Never have the TV set to update automatically, download the updates manually from the Sony update page
Download the update put it on a USB and use that to update your TV, if you discover there has been a new update released wait a couple of weeks from the release date before installing it. Check here on these forums to see if there have been any problems with it before committing yourself and your TV to any updates.
A full factory reset has fixed it.
After an hour or two of setting it up again, I have a working TV. I have also now disabled automatic update checks.
@daveyh64 The TV didn't completely stop responding to all buttons. Fortunately I could still use the left/right/up/down ones so was able to navigate to the main settings menu and initiate a full factory reset. I have now set the TV not to automatically check for updates.