Deel jouw ervaring!
Hi guys after Oreo I cant seem to be able to access the display settings for apps.
I want to change the 'Display Area' to 'Full Pixel' when viewing youtube videos.
Each time I try from the youtube app via: [Home] > [Settings] > [Display] > [Screen] it pops me out of the
youtube app and defaults to the last used HDMI channel, where it does let me change the 'Display Area'
but only for that HDMI channel.
Please help, is there another way to access the 'Display Area' settings, or is it only via the 'Home' button?
Hi there,
Please try the tips here to troubleshoot the issues on your TV and let us know how you get on.
Best wishes,
Unfortunately no. The suggested steps did not solve my issue. Although that said, I've watched the same video side by side on both my pc and TV at the same time and it seems I'm missing less of the edge of the screen on the TV than I thought I was, (about 5mm off the perimeter edge) but I am missing some. Usually I remedied this before by selecting [Home] > [Settings] > [Display] > [Screen] > [Full Pixel] from the YouTube apps home page but this method doesn't work now after oreo.
There is and there wasn't any Full pixel option for app, it apply only to external sources via HDMI