Deel jouw ervaring!
I've had the misfortune of buying a Sony Bravia 49xe8396 TV. After deciding to move on to a smart TV, I settled on Sony Bravia 49xe8396 becuase of its Android OS,as my mobile is Android and I've never wanted for an app to install when I needed one.
However, when I try to install several apps on the TV it says the app is not compatible with the device. Most basic apps (including Skpye, Chrome browser) cannot install because they are incompatible with device. What does it all mean? This defeats the object of Android OS if the apps are not available for download, especially if you buy the unit expecting the same level of apps downladable from Google Play.
Some methods for sideloading
It was quite a while ago that I sideloaded Chrome, and have not updated it since. My version is 76.0.3809.111
can you explain how I can do this ?
im trying to get bbc iPlayer in my tv
Could sombody comfirm or deny if trying to install iPlayer in Irland would give an "incompatible" message!?