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I have just bought a Sony Bravia 4K Tv Model KD-65X8000H, March 2020. The BBC iPlayer and other apps, although pre-loaded as part of Sony select are not working. Anyone know why, please?
Hi @PaulAsbury
Perhaps because it is not a U.K. model TV? Just guessing. Are you located in the U.K.?
Hi thanks. No, I’m in the Middle East but I would assume the apps would
load with a working VPN? The TV comes loaded with the apps as part of ’Sony Select’ so you would assume they work?
Hi @PaulAsbury
Have you got a UK TV License that is required to view the BBC iPlayer? If you have then I would apply for a refund if it doesn’t work.
Note what happens if you try to access the iPlayer on a computer while using your VPN?
As it comes preloaded on your TV, I would assume it would work without a VPN. Have you tried it without?
I think what might be happening here is that the Player is intended to sniff your IP address, figure out where in Asia Pacific you might be, and serve you whatever content it can make available in that location.
By VPNning into the UK, you are confusing it. Or maybe it is smart enough to spot you are using a VPN, of which there are always tell-tale signs.
Try it without the VPN, see what happens.
After which, getting the UK service on the TV over the VPN becomes, as @LightFoot suggests, much the same issue as getting it on a laptop.
AAMOI, what is the exact nature of the failure to work over the VPN?