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How To Get Keyboard Vibration Turned On


How To Get Keyboard Vibration Turned On

I Cant Seem To Get The Keyboard Vibration Function To Work On My Xperia 10 Plus... What Am I Doing Wrong 


Hi @LeFrench, let me see if I can help out here!

First of all I suggest that you check whether the function "Touch Vibration" is turned on or not. In order to check this, find and tap Settings > Tap Sound > Tap Advanced. If the slider next to the text "Touch vibration is gray, tap the slider in order to activate the function.

Secondly I advice that you make sure that Swiftkey is using the Android default vibration. Find and tap Settings > Tap System > Tap Languages and input > Tap On-screen keyboard > Tap Swiftkey keyboard > Tap the pink icon named Typing > > Tap Sound & vibration. In here, make sure that the slider next to the text "Use the Android default vibration" is turned on.

Try this and let me know if it helps! Slightly_smiling_Face